quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2008

Como assim???

If you don't understand the question, or you'd like the person to clarify, you say "Como assim?"

It most closely translates to "What do you mean?

examples: 1 "Você está triste comigo? Are you upset with me?

Como assim? What do you mean?

2 Você ficou sozinha? Were you there alone?

Como assim? What do you mean?

You can also use this phrase when a person makes a statement that seems impossible.

example: 1 Estou aqui perdido na mata! I'm lost in the forest!

Como assim, está perdido na mata? What do you mean, you're lost in the forest?!

2 Perdi o vôo. I missed my flight.

Como assim, perdeu o vôo? What do you mean you missed it?

segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2008


Espera ai [ess-pehr-ah ah-ee]

This expression means "wait a second" or "hold on."

In spoken Portuguese, though, it often becomes "peraí."

-------- Peraí. Esqueci meu casaco.
--------Wait a sec. I forgot my coat.

--------Espera ai. Já volto.
--------Hold on. I'll be right back.

terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2008

Tô numa boa!

Ever try to say 'I'm just chilling' or 'laid-back' in Portuguese?

Here's a quick list of terms:

Relaxa!! : relaxed, chill, 'all-good' (pronounced 'hee-lax')
Tranqüilooo: mellow, tranquil (pronounced 'trahn-kwee-loh')
Tá de boa? : "You chilling brother?"

It's interesting that the common greetings in Portuguese tudo bom / tudo bem already literally mean 'it's all good.' This literal translation when used in English implies tranquility and mellowness.