segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2009

when there is something wrong... quando alguma coisa está errada...

O que há contigo? - What's the matter with you?
De que você está reclamando?! - What are you complaining about?!
O que é que você quer dizer com isso?! - What do you mean (by that)?!
Qual é a lógica? - What's the point?
Isso não faz (nenhum) sentido! - It doesn't make (any) sense!
Tenha santa paciência! / Brincadeira! / Pode parar! / Dá um tempo! - Give me a break!
Seja objetivo. - Get to the point.
Não se meta nisso. - Stay out of it.
Não me incomoda! - Don't bother me!
Me deixa fora disso. - Leave me out of this.
Me deixa em paz! - Leave me alone.
Deixe-me ir. - Let me go.
Solta! - Let go!

sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009

Cada macaco no seu galho...

You shouldn’t always take the words in Portuguese ‘ao pé da letra’ – which means ‘literally, by the book’.

The expression " cada macaco no seu galho" means that everyone should care for their own job.

If you translate by book, you can read something like " each monkey in your branch" which it was a BIG mistake, a meaningless expression in english.

quarta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2009

Caiu a ficha or the penny has dropped.

If “the penny has dropped” (british idiom) has a similar in Brazil which is called "caiu a ficha". Both mean when someone has finally realised the situation they are in after possibly being unaware of it for a long time, depending on the situation.

This idiom comes from UK, specially the phrase dates back to the popular penny-slot arcades. The penny would often stick halfway down the slot and the user would then have to either wait, or give the machine a thump before the ‘penny finally dropped’ and they could begin playing.